Periwinkle Laine

Joan Kays


Joan, a professional in the world of rug hooking, embarked on her creative journey after pursuing a degree in graphic design. Her exploration of the visual arts extended to painting with acrylics and watercolors, but it was her grandmother, Muriel McCarville, who introduced her to the intricate crafts of rug hooking and quilting.

With deep gratitude to her grandmother, Joan found a harmonious blend of her design passion and love for vibrant fabrics in these two fiber arts. Her reputation as an artist has been solidified by her series of Quilted Appliqué and Rug Hooking Patterns, most notably featuring beloved literary character Anne of Green Gables. Inspired by her profound affection for all things P.E.I., Joan’s artistry has earned her recognition, including two appearances in The Rug Hooking Magazine’s Celebration of Hooked Rugs, showcasing her captivating pieces like ‘Winter Goose’ and ‘Anne with the Wash.’ Joan’s work is a testament to her dedication to the world of rug hooking and her unwavering love for Prince Edward Island.

Joan's Masterpieces