Periwinkle Laine

Anne with Jersey Cow


Anne feeds her jersey calf while wearing a straw hat to protect her fair skin and red braids.  Potatoes are growing in the field and a gentle breeze is blowing in from the North Shore.

Small  Pattern  18 x 22″ $65.00

Small Pattern with Wool Kit  18 x 22″ $190.00

Large Pattern  28 x 33″ $125.00

Large Pattern with Wool Kit  28 x 33″ $375.00

Pattern is hand-drawn on 100% linen, surrounded by a border and machine stitched to prevent fraying.

All wool used to create the kits is new and has been cut into #5 wool strips.

“Anne of Green Gables” is a trademark and a Canadian official mark of the Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority Inc., Charlottetown PEI and is used under license by Joan F. Kays.




SKU N/A Categories ,



Small  Pattern  18 x 22″ $65.00

Small Pattern with Wool Kit  18 x 22″ $190.00

Large Pattern  28 x 33″ $125.00

Large Pattern with Wool Kit  28 x 33″ $375.00

Pattern is hand-drawn on 100% linen, surrounded by a border and machine serged to prevent fraying.

“Anne of Green Gables” is a trademark and a Canadian official mark of the Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority Inc., Charlottetown PEI and is used under license by Joan F. Kays.






Additional information


Small pattern 18 x 22", Small pattern 18 x 22" and wool kit, Large pattern 28 x 33", Large pattern 28 x 33" and wool kit