Periwinkle Laine



Lori-Ann Lingley’s “Fleece Navidad” rug hooking pattern, featuring a llama in a colorful scarf, is a perfect project for beginners and a delightful Christmas gift, radiating festive cheer and creativity.


“Fleece Navidad”, a delightful rug hooking pattern crafted by the talented artist Lori-Ann Lingley, captures the holiday spirit with its whimsical portrayal of a llama adorned in a vibrant scarf. This charming design, measuring 14 x 18 inches, is an excellent choice for beginners venturing into the world of rug hooking. Whether you’re creating it as a personal project or considering it as a heartwarming Christmas gift, this original creation, meticulously crafted on 100% traditional linen, promises to infuse joy and festive warmth into every stitch.